Mr. Trump, according to the diligent fact checkers working for the Washington Post, you made more than 30,000 false or misleading claims during the four years of your administration.

Why would anyone believe anything that you have to say, ever again?

Not just voters, but any of the people you would have to work with, at home and, especially, abroad.

Mr. Trump, despite whatever may or may not happen in a court of law, FBI agents seized more than 11,000 documents, of which more than 100 were classified, from Mar-a-Lago, your private golf resort.

Why would anyone entrust you with State secrets or classified documents, ever again?

Not just voters, but everyone, at home and abroad, expect our leaders to maintain the security of our nation as well as theirs. None of those materials belong to you, and they never will.

Mr. Trump, despite whatever may or may not happen in a court of law, you pressured election officials in Georgia, and in several other states, to disregard or modify the results of the 2020 election in a failed bid to remain in an office you have never gained in accordance with the majority of votes. You still assert, without a shred of evidence, that the election was somehow stolen.

Why would anyone expect you to accept the legitimate results of any election, ever again?
Four generations of voters expect all candidates for office, including you, to accept their losses.

Mr. Trump, despite whatever may or may not happen in a court of law, you conspired with assorted unsavory actors to suppress news of unflattering or immoral acts you indulged in. Now you wish to claim that hiding the hush money payments you made to a porn star are somehow part of the official duties of an acting President.

Why would anyone trust that you don’t have any more skeletons in that very large closet of yours?

Not just voters, but everyone, at home and abroad, expect our leaders to maintain the security of our nation as well as theirs. Those with skeletons are easily compromised, nyet? Cough, Epstein, cough.

Mr. Trump, despite whatever may or may not happen in a court of law, you defrauded the U.S. taxpayer of all estate taxes on the $400 million you inherited from your father, as well as the property taxes you avoided by deflating the value of your real estate holdings in the state of New York, and the untold millions you kept by using various tax fraud strategies that will never be prosecuted due to the statutes of limitations you like to cite. You have held, and lost, more money than most anyone can count.

Why would anyone trust you to direct our economy, or the IRS, or to occupy the Executive office without openly abusing the position to engorge yourself with even more ill-gotten gains?

Not just voters, but everyone, at home and abroad, expect our leaders to maintain the security of our nation as well as theirs. We need to be confident that our leaders are not for sale to any bidder. How much more money do you actually need? Is there a number?

Mr. Trump, when confronted with the reality of your actions in a court of law, you tried your best to keep your eyes closed throughout the proceedings. It was a stunning act of cowardice.

Why would anyone think you have the courage to confront the challenges a President must face?

Not just voters, but everyone, at home and abroad, expect the leader of the free world to face the music, no matter how unpleasant or embarrassing. Clearly, you are not up to the task.

Please, Mr. Trump, make your retirement the one and only gift you leave to the American republic.

-- Steven Peterson, 2024
